Anime Foundation Launch Partners The Anime Foundation, a community-driven cultural protocol for anime and manga, has announced its launch partners. These partners include Animoca...
Ledger Stax Hardware Wallet Shipping Update French startup Ledger has recently started shipping its latest Ledger Stax devices, nearly 18 months after their initial...
NodeOps Secures $5M in Seed Funding NodeOps has secured $5 million in seed funding to enhance and simplify blockchain node deployment and management. The...
Avail Co-founder Discusses Rebranding to Polygon and the Future of Crypto Infrastructure In a recent interview, Anurag Arjun, the co-founder of Avail, shared insights...
Former FTX Executive Ryan Salame Sentenced To 7.5 Years In Prison Former FTX executive and Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) associate Ryan Salame has been sentenced...
Valentine’s Day Challenges and Pressures Valentine’s Day is often viewed as one of the most romantic holidays, yet celebrating love can create a huge...
Analysis of Crypto Project Demise Nearly two-thirds of crypto projects launched in recent years have met their demise, according to a recent analysis of...
US Official Expresses Concerns A US official has raised concerns about a provision in Senator Elizabeth Warren’s proposed bill on digital assets. During a...
The Glenlivet Uses NFTs and AI to Sell 50-Year-Old Whiskey Collection Scotland-based distillery The Glenlivet has announced plans to auction off a collection of...
Top Crypto Gainers Today on DEXTools While blue-chip cryptocurrencies continue to carve a path to fresh multi-year highs as the bulls remain very much...
Revolut to Launch New Invite-Only Crypto Exchange Banking services provider Revolut is preparing to introduce a new “invite-only” cryptocurrency exchange, catering to advanced traders....
Mumbai Metropolis Metaverse Initiative Mumbai, the bustling financial hub of India, has introduced a metaverse initiative aimed at showcasing its latest and upcoming city-wide...